Psychotherapy & Counselling Fees
Practitioners set their own fees which may vary based on their credentials, experience, and specific services provided. Across our team, fees for psychotherapy and counselling services range from $105-$175/hour and fees for supervised psychological services* range from $145-$225/hour.
Exact fees are viewable on each therapist’s bio, available through the Our Team page. Our Client Care Team will also confirm your therapist’s fees with you during the intake process.
*If your insurance plan only covers Registered Psychologists, psychotherapy and counselling services provided by the members of our counselling team may still be insurable under the guidelines of supervised psychological practice. What does this mean?
Supervised psychological practice occurs when services are provided by someone who is not a psychologist, under the supervision of someone who is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario who accepts full legal and ethical responsibility for your care.